2024年4月29日 星期一

熱縮片 DIY 排球少年


之前買一台EPSON L3116要來印日付, 後來興頭過了就一直擺著, 這兩天把它修好, 試印了一下

雖然中間噴頭還是有斷線, 但印出來還行

只是那個ハイキュ!! 為什麼可以糊成這樣@@
等新墨水送來, 再來繼續試

2024年4月9日 星期二

開箱 排球少年!!10週年編年史全 鋼鍊20th ANNIVERSARY BOOK


排球少年的編年史, 就是4/2突然搜尋到的, 沒買到首刷限定版是有點可惜, 但重要的還是內容

買之前搜尋了一下, 幸好有其他人的日版開箱, 我就毫無懸念的買下去了, 收到後, 果然是期待的全彩印刷, 我真的是開心到爆炸, 

同時一起買了鋼鍊的20周年紀念書, 有編年史&番外的漫畫

看完後也是滿滿的感動, 但兩本都很有份量, 拿得我手好酸,

開始看鋼鍊是大學的時候吧, 那時候收了租書店淘汰的漫畫, 只有最後25~27是新的, 是不是要再往前補買呢~

2024年4月1日 星期一

文具控的購物筆記 Ohuhu Kaala 24色雙頭酒精性麥克筆套組- 鮮明色系

 一直以來買的文具都只有貼在IG做紀錄, 但之後要搜尋好麻煩, 那就記在這裡吧

最近在玩熱縮片, 想試試看用酒精性麥克筆, 但結果....比我想像的差就是了,



用酒精麥克筆上色, 就是很像用彩色筆, 很不會著色的感覺=失敗
果然還是乖乖的用色鉛筆即可, 吳竹的點點筆也可用, 只是乾比較慢

2024年3月27日 星期三

熱縮片 DIY 排球少年 日向 鳥?




阿, 是兩隻, 用色鉛筆&水性筆來看看有什麼不一樣

色鉛筆熱縮完後, 顏色會變得稍深一點, 算是比較飽和
剩下的邊角料, 描了一下不良委員的貓貓
水性的乾很慢, 拍照時一直摸到QQ

熱縮完後吳竹點點筆的藍色有變深一點, 但是Zebra Clickart的顏色就變淺了

結論: Clickart不適合用在熱縮片上, 但吳竹的點點筆OK~

2024年3月26日 星期二

熱縮片 DIY

最近突然想玩熱縮片, 家裡剛好之前妹妹在玩熱縮片, 從熱風槍到UV燈一應俱全, 趁著去醫院回診的下午, 去了趟書局, 買了熱縮片, 就開始動工啦

最近很喜歡little_lu的作品, 就描了她的小圖


熱縮的時候從尾巴開始吹, 結果尾巴就黏住了QQ

晚上繼續描最近很夯的勇, 希望媽祖保佑我的腳早點好起來

中間還描了一個冰, 但是貌似加熱過度, 熱縮片變透明了

現在等UV膠來, 我就可以上膠了~

2024年1月3日 星期三

日常雜記01 回顧2023


5/10-5/11 去泰國看演唱會
6/10 舞台劇 天后
7/23 犀利趴
8/13 舞台劇 我們與惡的距離
9/16-18 去馬來西亞看了一下batu cave
9/24 考多益
10/13 - 10/15 浪人祭
10/19 - 10/23 香港參展
11/7 在公司踏破地板 - 蜂窩性組織炎(人生第一次!
11/12 Coldplay 演唱會
11/16 Westlife 演唱會
12/22 - 12/23 台中聖誕露營

然後都很花錢, 中間還學的一期泰文, 因為從泰國回來突然覺得泰國很有趣

6月決定要帶媽媽去日本(但媽媽根本就還沒答應, 加上前兩天剛地震, 還是要再觀望一下, 雖然飯店已經訂好了

然後蜂窩性組織炎, 醫生都寫左下肢潰爛, 依然治療中, 朋友說2023年是黑兔年, 已經快過完了!

2023年12月28日 星期四

USA TODAY 05 Lost dog group rescues senior dog in rural town, discovers she went missing 7 years ago

 A rescue organization in the United Kingdom got a huge surprise when they were called to help a senior stray dog that was found roaming around an English village: They discovered the pup had been missing from its owners for nearly seven years.

In a Dec. 11 post on their Facebook page, volunteer non-profit Lost Dog Recovery UK South said they received a message about a little black dog that was running in a road near Crawley Down, a village in West Sussex.

The caller "stopped the traffic, let the dog disappear into the woodland and knew not to follow, and just returned ASAP to leave food," the post read.

They then asked people in the nearby rural area about the dog and learned that the dog had been spotted in the area and the locals would feed her. They were still concerned, so they called for help.

The recovery group then set up a camera and left food food out so they could watch and gather more information about the dog. By the third night, the little dog was caught “waiting” for dinnertime and watching volunteers walk up to where the camera was placed.

Volunteers lure dog with warm roast chicken feast

Volunteers began to ask around and learned from some residents that the dog might be a stray that had been wondering the area for over a decade and was not in need of any care. Others told them that the stray could be in need of care.

The rescue group then spent a week establishing a routine feeding schedule and close-ups of the dogs confirmed that she was in fact a senior.

Finally, they set up a trap.

"We knew our little stray was picky and we had worked out what she liked, so a huge warm roast chicken feast with a JR Pate topper was laid out, and the waiting began," the post read.

Lost Dog Recovery UK South Volunteers captured Rose, a Patterdale Terrier on December 11. At first, she was thought to be a stray but they later learned she'd gone missing nearly seven years ago.

After a few visits, she finally stepped into the trap and triggered the door to close.

"Understandably she was shocked and scared but very gentle, and was taken immediately to the warmth and safety of kennels," the post said.

Reunited:Missing dog rescued by hikers in Colorado mountains reunited with owner after 2 months

A microchip reveals huge surprise

But volunteers were in for a shock. Based on what neighbors have said, they did not expect to find a microchip on the dog, but they did.

The group learned that the Patterdale Terrier, now 12 years old, was named Rose and had gone missing just 6 miles away from Ashurst Wood within 24 hours of being adopted back in March of 2017, the post said.

While it would have been a wonderful holiday reunion, a lot had changed for Rose's previous owners. In the past seven years, they've moved and are not in a position to take her in now.

Lost Dog Recovery UK South Volunteers captured Rose, a Patterdale Terrier on December 11. At first, she was thought to be a stray but they later learned she'd gone missing nearly seven years ago.

"They are thrilled she is safe and unhurt and, of course, sad they aren’t able to take her back. She will be going to a rescue who can give her what she needs and care for her in her old age," the group wrote.

Rescue seeks forever home for Rose

Rose is now being taken care of by Last Chance Animal Rescue, Edenbridge and will hopefully be finding a forever home soon.

In a Dec. 18 update, the group said it had been inundated with enquiries about the dog and they were working through requests to find her a "safe, warm and loving home."

"If you aren’t successful in your application for Rose PLEASE do consider fostering for your local rescue," the post added.

2023年11月14日 星期二

遊記04 Coldplay X 2023 Music of the Spheres World Tour X Kaohsiung


去看了期待已久的Coldplay演唱會,果然跟想的一樣精采,意外的發現也有好多追蹤的創作者都在同一場,比如插畫小農、小代誌,每次看到都會噗哧一下,原來你也在,之前朋友說,其實一個人看演唱會並不孤單,因為跟你一起聽音樂的都會有情緒共鳴,反而是一個最不孤單的地方,年紀漸長之後,愈來愈愛看演唱會,年輕的時候參與的是樂趣,過30歲後半,參與的是感受,感受音樂人所要傳達的理念,身而為人,我們都是一樣的,這場演唱會有很多經典的文字,宣揚著平常聽到爛的peace & love

"If you want love, be love.

If you want peace, be peace."




好像已經跟演唱會沒有關係了 哈





到了世運站,指揮的交通阿北很有活力,開心地叫我們群人 衝啊!!!!!!


2023年10月17日 星期二

USA TODAY 04 Enough with the 'love locks': Grand Canyon warns lovers against leaving those at the park

 Enough with the 'love locks': Grand Canyon warns lovers against leaving those at the park

Jose R. Gonzalez

Arizona Republic

Grand Canyon National Park is urging visitors to stop using the landmark to partake in a trend where lovers at a viewpoint leave behind a padlock to represent their relationship.

Padlocks left at fencings are known as "love locks," but the practice of throwing the key away at the Grand Canyon poses a threat to the rare and endangered condor, the park warned on its Facebook page. "Love is strong, but it is not as strong as our bolt cutters," reads the post. "People think putting a lock on fencing at viewpoints is a great way to show love for another person. It's not. Leaving padlocks like this is littering and a form of graffiti."

The keys left behind are being consumed by curious condors who, the post states, "love shiny things." These scavenger birds, the post continues, will eat coins, wrappers or shiny metallic pieces that cannot be digested or that they will not be able to pass.

An X-ray of a condor with coins lodged in its digestive tract. On Oct. 10, 2023, this photo was one of three posted to the Grand Canyon National Park's Facebook page warning people not to attach padlocks to fencing, referred to as "love locks." The park's post explained the practice is considered littering and a form of graffiti and condors could be harmed if they swallow shiny objects like a key from a padlock, coin or shiny piece of metal.

The post included a photo of an X-ray of a condor with coins lodged in its digestive tract. An operation on the fowl cleared the obstruction, the post explained.

"If a condor ingests too many objects like this, it could die," the post warned, adding, "Objects are thrown from the rim every day. Padlocks and trash are not anomalies limited to Grand Canyon. Do your part to not contribute to these bad habits and inform others of what can happen to the wildlife if these behaviors continue."

In October 2022, the park served three federal violation notices to a woman on suspicion of littering and creating hazardous conditions with disorderly conduct after she posted video of herself hitting a golf ball and losing most of her golf club at the Grand Canyon. The fine for disorderly conduct and tossing or throwing items into the canyon carried a maximum fine of $5,000 and six months in prison, The Arizona Republic learned.

A lock is shown attached to fencing at Grand Canyon National Park. On Oct. 10, 2023, this photo was one of three posted to the Grand Canyon National Park's Facebook page warning people not to attach padlocks to fencing, referred to as "love locks." The practice is considered littering and a form of graffiti and condors could be harmed if they swallow shiny objects like a key from a padlock, coin or shiny piece of metal.

2023年10月16日 星期一

遊記 03 2023浪人祭



比如這次很chill 的椅子樂團~ 意外的好聽~ 





帶了野餐墊後,我就再也不想站著了, 該如何是好 XD



Day 1

Mong Tong  - 阿卿推薦的蒙眼少年(?

12.8 Twele.eight
The fin.
DJ 呱吉


2023年10月11日 星期三

USA TODAY 03 Chef Michael Chiarello's fatal allergic reaction reveals allergies’ hidden dangers

Chef Michael Chiarello's fatal allergic reaction reveals allergies’ hidden dangers

Katie Camero


After a week-long hospital stay, 61-year-old Chef Michael Chiarello died last week of a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Neither his doctors nor his family know what caused the fatal reaction, according to a representative for Chiarello’s company Gruppo Chiarello. Even so, his death sheds light on how serious and unpredictable allergies of all kinds can be. 

People can be allergic to nearly anything, including pollen, dust, food, insect stings, animal dander, latex, mold and medications. For many, all it takes is a tiny crumb or speck of an allergen to spark a reaction that can quickly become life-threatening if not treated properly or efficiently. 

Anaphylactic reactions most commonly occur to foods, insect stings, medications and latex, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. 

Chiarello’s family was not aware of any allergies he might have had, the Gruppo Chiarello representative told USA TODAY, but he was home when the reaction occurred. It’s still unknown what he was doing at the time of his reaction. 

Allergy experts say that Chiarello’s death serves as a critical reminder that even mild reactions can turn fatal, food labels are awfully confusing and adults can develop new allergies.

Yes, you can develop allergies in adulthood

Although most allergies arise in childhood, millions of adults go on to develop one or multiple allergies, even to foods or substances that they have safely been exposed to hundreds of times before, said Dr. Rita Kachru, an allergist with UCLA Health in Santa Monica, California. 

At least 15% of people with food allergies are first diagnosed in adulthood, according to FARE — a phenomenon that some researchers deem “an important emerging health problem.” 

Allergies sometimes emerge in adulthood because it takes time for your immune system to develop antibodies called immunoglobulin E against a certain food or substance that it mistakenly labels as dangerous, Kachru said. These antibodies “fight” the food by releasing histamine and other chemicals that trigger allergic reaction symptoms such as an itchy throat, difficulty breathing or vomiting. 

More often, adults may experience a reaction to an allergen they outgrew during childhood but for various reasons, such as changes in their immune system or environment, the allergy comes back, Kachru said. 

The surprise factor for many adult-onset allergies increases risks for anaphylaxis because people may not have an EpiPen (an auto-injector that releases epinephrine into the body to reduce inflammation) on hand. 

When allergies turn fatal 

Even mild allergies can lead to anaphylaxis, which is impossible to predict, Kachru said, because a reaction is dependent on exposure dose, the state of your immune system and prior history of allergic reactions. 

“If all it took was one cashew to trigger an allergic reaction the first time, the next time it may only take half a cashew to mount a response, which could be more severe,” Kachru said, “because you have primed your immune system by exposing yourself to it more.”

Treatment with an EpiPen is crucial in these scenarios, Kachru said, which should begin within seconds of the start of a reaction: “Inflammation is like a snowball — once it starts, it’s really hard to control.”

If an allergic reaction symptom worsens over time, if you develop two or more mild symptoms or if you have one severe symptom (like your throat closes up), use an EpiPen and then go to the hospital, Kachru said. Anaphylaxis can sometimes recur up to four hours after appropriate treatment in what's called a biphasic reaction.

Otherwise, treat a mild symptom with an antihistamine like Benadryl and stay cool, as heat can trigger a greater histamine response.

Learn about nasal spray epinephrine:FDA passes on first nasal spray alternative to epinephrine autoinjectors

Remember, allergens can be found in unexpected places

Never assume a food or object is free of your allergen, experts say, as it can lurk in the most unexpected places. 

Fish and shellfish, for example, are sometimes dipped in milk to reduce their fishy odor, putting those with dairy allergies at risk. Cross-contact — when an allergen is accidentally transferred from one food to another — can also expose you to an allergen, despite signs indicating a food is safe for you to eat. 

Don't shy away from asking people, whether it's your doctor, restaurant staff, whoever cooked your dinner, for details about how they prepared a meal, if cross-contact may have occurred, or what tools they'll be using on or around you, experts say. Doing so will help protect you from exposure to your allergen.

And double check those food labels

Federal laws require that the nine most common allergens —  milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, shellfish and sesame — must be labeled on packaged foods sold in the U.S.

However, nuances in these laws allow certain ingredients outside of these top nine allergens to stay under the radar, according to the nonprofit FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education). Some may not be listed on the label, but instead may be covered by vague terms such as “natural flavorings.” Milk, Kachru says, could be listed as casein or lactalbumin, which are the proteins that make up milk. 

There are also no laws requiring manufacturers to say whether a product may have come into contact with a specific allergen. 

This is why you have to read food labels every time you buy a product. When in doubt, call the manufacturer directly to better understand what products contain or may contain.

2023年10月2日 星期一

USA TODAY 02 Iceland will implement visitor tax, prime minister says

Iceland will implement visitor tax, prime minister says

Nathan Diller


Travelers heading to Iceland may soon pay more for their trip. The Nordic island nation will implement higher taxes for tourists to help protect its environment, Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir said.

The tax will not be high initially, Jakobsdottir said in a recent interview on Bloomberg Television.

“Tourism has really grown exponentially in Iceland in the last decade, and that obviously is not just creating effects on the climate,” she said. “It’s also because most of our guests who are coming to us are visiting the unspoiled nature, and obviously it creates a pressure.”

The tax will be a broader version of a previous accommodation tax the country suspended during the pandemic, according to a spokesperson for Iceland's Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. "It is intended to expand taxation to cover passengers on cruise ships alongside hotels, recognizing the impact on our seas as well as land," the spokesperson said in an email.

The policy is planned to take effect in 2024, the spokesperson said, and other details including amounts "will be outlined in draft legislation in the coming weeks."

The fee hike comes as the country works to meet its goal to become carbon neutral before 2040. Iceland, with its hot springs and black sand beaches, is hugely popular among travelers, and the country saw more than 1.7 million overnight visitors from outside the country in 2022, according to the Icelandic Tourist Board.

Climate change makes turbulence worse:But here's why you shouldn't worry (too much)

“A lot of our companies who are working in the tourism sector are finding ways to really turn over to circular economy, turn over to electric cars, et cetera,” Jakobsdottir added. “So, that change is happening, but it is a challenge.”

Iceland is not the only destination to implement such a policy. Venice has plans to implement a fee for day trippers to the Italian city, in an effort to manage large numbers of tourists, and Bali will introduce a tourist tax for foreign visitors next year.

Nathan Diller is a consumer travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Nashville. You can reach him at ndiller@usatoday.com.

2023年9月27日 星期三

USA TODAY 01 Hollywood writers' strike to officially end Wednesday as union leadership OKs deal

Hollywood writers' strike to officially end Wednesday as union leadership OKs deal

Bryan Alexander


The Hollywood screenwriters' strike, one of two strikes that have stalled movie and TV productions for nearly five months, will officially end Wednesday.

The Writers Guild of America board unanimously voted Tuesday to affirm the strike-ending deal, announced Sunday, with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, the group that represents studios, streaming services and production companies in negotiations.

"Today, our Negotiating Committee, WGAW Board, and WGAE Council all voted unanimously to recommend the agreement," the Writers Guild West announced on X, formerly Twitter. "The strike ends at 12:01 am."

The agreed-upon three-year contract extension will go to the full WGA membership for a ratification vote. But the leadership board lifted the restraining order to allow writers to work during the ratification process. The members will vote between Oct. 2 and 9.

Late-night talk shows − the first to go dark when writers walked out on May 2 − will be among the first shows to resume. "Real Time" host Bill Maher, who reversed his Sept. 14 decision to bring his HBO show back during the strike, trumpeted the return to work for a Friday night show on his X account.

"My writers and Real Time are back! See you Friday Night!" Maher wrote.

The three-year writers' contract agreement emerged after five marathon days of renewed talks with WGA and AMPTP negotiators, joined by studio executives, that continued throughout the weekend until the breakthrough announcement late Sunday night. Writer picketing immediately halted, but the tentative deal required WGA leadership confirmation to officially end.

According to a WGA statement, writers earned increased pay, health and pension contributions with the contract extension as well as new foreign streaming residuals, and viewership-based streaming bonuses. There are also assurances against AI, a particular point of contention in the negotiations.

More:Striking Hollywood actors vote to authorize new walkout against video game makers

The screenwriters strike is officially over following the Writers Guild of America vote to ratify a deal with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Hollywood actors remain on strike.

The 2008 deal to end the last writers' strike, which began in 2007 and lasted for 100 days, was approved by more than 90% of union members.

Actors remain on strike, but the ratified deal with writers could help the Screen Actors Guild find a resolution with AMPTP. There are no talks currently scheduled between the two sides.

SAG-AFTRA congratulated the WGA negotiators in a statement posted Sunday.

"We look forward to reviewing the terms of the WGA and AMPTP's tentative agreement," the SAG-AFTRA statement read. "And we remain ready to resume our own negotiations with the AMPTP as soon as they are prepared to engage on our proposals in a meaningful way."

But as the Hollywood writers' strike comes to an end, striking actors on Tuesday also voted to expand their walkout to include the lucrative video game market, a step that could put new pressure on Hollywood studios to make a deal with the performers who provide voices and stunts for games.

Why the Hollywood strikes are not over:What happens if SAG-AFTRA reaches an agreement?

* WGAW - Writers Guild of America, West(美國編劇工會西部分會)
* WGAE - Writers Guild of America, East(美國編劇工會東部分會)
* AMPTP - Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers(電影和電視製片公司聯盟)
* SAG-AFTRA - Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists(美國電影演員工會-電視和廣播藝術家聯盟)